What should I do with my medication when travelling by plane?
You must pack all necessary medication in your carry-on luggage for both your flight and onward journey. Make sure to include extra prescription paperwork and letters from your doctor explaining your medication needs.
How should I store medication that needs to be kept at a specific temperature?
If your medication requires a specific temperature, pack it in a cooler bag to maintain its stability during the journey. It's crucial not to remove medication from its packaging; it's best to keep it in its original box with pharmaceutical labels visible.
Can I bring medical sharps, such as syringes, on board?
Travelers who require medication administered via syringe can usually bring medical sharps on board with minimal complications. However, it's essential to carry a letter from your doctor, a prescription, or the medication itself with a pharmacy label displaying your name and advise staff at check in that you have these in your bag.